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Cox Charities Community Grant
2023/2024 Grant Application Preview
The purpose of this document is to give you a preview of the questions in the official application and give you some tips to consider when writing your application. Please use this document as a guide to help you prepare your responses, then use the Google Form to submit your application. Note: The Google Form is our preferred method for receiving your applications. However, if you can’t access Google Forms due to your organization’s policy, please reach out to for a .pdf application.
Section 1 – Introduction
Section 2 – Limitations
Organization has written nondiscrimination policy and practices nondiscrimination in employment of staff, recruitment of volunteers and delivery of services.
Organization is registered with VDACS (Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services)
Section 3 – Requirements for Grant Funding
Organization has current 501(c)(3) status under the Internal Revenue Service Code or an equivalent government entity under section 170 (c)(1).
Organization EIN
Section 4 – Grant Process and Notification Timeline
Section 5 – Contact Information
Your Phone Number, Executive Director’s Name, Email and Phone Number
Section 6 – Application Questions
Your organization’s mission statement (300 character limit)
How is your organization building a better future for the next generation? (500 character limit)
If awarded, how do you plan to use the Cox Charities grant funds? (500 character limit)
Select which region best fits where your organization makes an impact (multiple choice)
Section 7 – Acknowledgements
I certify all information in this Cox Charities grant application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that should any information be found to be untrue, my organization will not receive a Cox Charities grant and might not be permitted to apply in the future.
I understand my organization must submit a brief evaluation report at the end of the grant-funded program documenting program expenses and activities, photos from the program and testimonials from people benefitting from the program.
I acknowledge that our organization may be featured in a Cox Communications publication and/or television spot.
I grant Cox Communications the ability to use our organization name/logo/likeness for promotional purposes in print, television, radio and other internal and external communications. No further consent or right to inspect or approve the use to which the promotional materials may be applied.
Section 8 – Partnership Opportunities
Section 9 – Images
Upload your approved logo and a photo that best represents your organization
Grant Application Tips
Write to your audience and make it relatable. Our employees are the ones who review and vote on the applications. Tailor your application as though you were talking to your friend or neighbor versus a grant funder.
Be concise. We know 500 characters isn’t a lot, but we want to read your story not flowery language. Additionally, our employees are volunteering their time to review as many as 25-30 applications in one sitting.
Demonstrate impact. Our employees want to know where their donations are going. If you have simple stats to share, include them. (Examples: Hunger impacts X% of Virginians, Domestic Violence affects X% of families, Summer Camps improve teen confidence by X%, etc.) Our employees range from project managers to retail employees to accountants and are not fulltime grant reviewers. Include stats that makes sense to the everyday person.